Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool.

Wow, it's been a while. I know I say that at the beginning of every post but if I get out of the habit then it's hard to start going again. But I like to think this is a journal of sorts so here I am.

This week has been really good. I feel like I have accomplished something that I have wanted to do for such a long time. I finally got up the courage to enroll back into college and go. I had my first class last night and I loved every minute of it.

I'm not even going to tell you how terrified I was to go. I'm not sure why I was so nervous but I was walking to class and my palms were sweaty and my heart was racing so when I finally got there and sat down I felt like I'd run a marathon. But after I got settled in I felt fine and I was really happy that I'd taken this step and actually done it.

In the past you could say I was a little bit of a flake. I didn't usually follow through with things and I was always too scared to put myself out there. I feel better now that I've took the initiative to do something that I have wanted to. I know that it's not going to be an easy thing, college for the next 4 years or so, but I know that it's the right thing to do and that I want to do it. I am happy with my decision.

And yes, I did watch Billy Madison in honor of school starting. :)