Today is the 13th of December so hopefully by the next 13th we will have a baby!
A lot has gone on this month which is why I am a little behind on blogging.
Plus things have been pretty much the same as far as being pregnant goes. Nothing new, just cooking the kid waiting and waiting until she finally is ready.
My sweet grandma passed away a couple of weeks ago. The funeral was hard but I know that she is no longer in pain and it was a great memorial and way to remember how wonderful she was and what an honor it was to be her grandchild.
Then only about a week later, my brother and sister-in-law had their baby!
Meet Hyrum Lance Deters.
All fresh and new.
One day old.
He's a squashy little guy but he looks adorable. I can't wait to go up and meet him this weekend.
My sister in law Nicole was a champ through labor and delivery. I got a text at about noon saying that they were at the hospital and by 9:30 that night I got a call from my brother telling me that he was finally a dad! It was th sweetest thing ever and I am so excited for them.
As for RJ and I, we're just loafing around the house not doing too much.
We put up our Christmas decorations and hung lights on our house which we've been telling ourselves we'll do every year but never do.
I only had a little preggie meltdown over this so I consider it a success.
I love when my parents visit because they bring their adorable little dog that loves to growl and snuggle at the same time. She's adorable and always has the cutest little hairbows in her hair.
Our dogs weren't so cute and cuddly. They like to go outside and hang out and smell up our house. So baths are now in order about once a week. They love it!
I have about the best husband ever. He painted my right hand for me for my grandma's funeral. He does a good job surprisingly enough. :)
Although I still can't get him to shave my legs (even though I am completely capable) or go get me Gatorade at one in the morning.
haha. Even if I tell him that I am carrying his child.
This guy greeted me at work the other morning. It was a fun little surprise. Brought a little bit of Idaho right to work. I loved it.
I had my baby shower! I could have completely forgotten about it except for all the adorable clothes and blankets bursting out of the nursery. It was a hectic weekend because that is the weekend my grandma passed away, but it was bittersweet and not all bad since we celebrated someone's life and someone coming into our life very soon.
I am so thankful for my family that came and how generous and loving all of them were. I got a lot of beautiful and thoughtful gifts along with gifts that I am going to be so thankful I have.
As for being pregnant... this was a couple weeks ago but it looks about the same so just pretend this is an up to date picture. :)
How far along are you?
35 weeks and 4 days
Total Weight Gain?
I actually forgot to look at my last appointment so I'll know again at my next appointment on Tuesday. I think it's around 20lbs though.
Maternity Clothes?
If I don't wear them, I feel like a giant whale trying to squeeze into tiny clothes, but I am still wearing the same pants. I'm down to only a few that fit, but I'm going with it.
Stretch Marks?
Not yet, but the skin on my stomach is starting to look really transparent and I am just crossing my fingers that none pop up in the next couple of weeks. I think this might be too good to be true though.
Not bad actually. I get up to pee around 3:30 every morning but go right back to bed. My dreams have been pretty weird lately, but it hasn't affected my sleeping.
Best Moment this Week?
Having Lance's baby get here made me so excited to see my own little kid and see what RJ and I have created. haha. His baby has Lance's nose and Nicole's eyes and I can't wait to see what features our kid got. Probably all the worst qualities I'm sure. :D
Miss Anything?
I am craving an awesome abs workout. I have tried to stay away from any core workouts because when my abs get sore it hurts for days and I can never get comfortable. But I think a good sweaty workout will do the trick.
Lots of leg kicks and hiccups. I felt bad because I drank a big glass of lemonade the other day on an empty stomach and she had hiccups for such a long time! Poor thing.
Anything make you sick or queasy?
This last weekend wasn't so good to me. I threw up a few times in the middle of the night. I am not sure if I was sick or if I ate something bad but it wasn't the best night's sleep I've ever had.
Food Cravings?
Gatorade... weird I know.
GIRL! We had an ultrasound last Friday and asked the lady if she could check but she didn't even try. She was not the most pleasant lady I've ever met to say the least. Gracious lady, you look at babies all day, you'd think she'd have been happier.
Labor Signs?
My stomach will tighten up sometimes but other than that nothing.
At my last appointment the doctor checked to see if she was head down though and she is! She's just fattening up and then she'll be ready to go in a few more weeks. :)
At my last appointment the doctor checked to see if she was head down though and she is! She's just fattening up and then she'll be ready to go in a few more weeks. :)
My ribs get jabbed almost constantly but other than that I haven't had too many symptoms the last couple of weeks. It's been great.
My ribs get jabbed almost constantly but other than that I haven't had too many symptoms the last couple of weeks. It's been great.
Belly button in or out?
More out than in!
Wedding rings on or off?
Happy or Moody most of the time?
Happy and Excited
Looking forward to?
Buying a car seat this week and going to see Lance's baby.
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