Honing in on 13 weeks today. I didn't get a picture last night because I was grouchy, restless and nose deep into Harry Potter. Oh and I completely forgot it was Wednesday since I had the day off.
So you will have to see week 12's picture that I forgot to post. Don't worry, nothing much has changed.
RJ and I had a good 4th of July. On Tuesday night we drove up to the B and watched Eaglewood's fireworks from up there. It was fun to be alone and could talk about how next July 4th we'd be holding a baby in our arms, watching it be entertained by the fireworks. It makes me happy to have something so great to look forward to.
The best story this week was RJ's brother Rich brought over one of his friends that you could blatantly tell was a smoker. Now I generally have no issues with smoking if that's what you want to do, as long as you do it respectfully.
Well as I'm cooking dinner they were sitting at the table chatting when I got the horrible feeling that I was going to lose it into my cooking pot of rice. I booked it upstairs just in time. I felt a little bad when RJ told him it was because he smelled. haha. Oh the joys of being pregnant.
Without further ado, my 12 week picture and questionaire. :)
How far along: 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed myself the other day and if I go off of my pre-knocked up weight I would have gained 3 pounds.
Maternity Clothes? Not yet, I am not sure how I feel about them yet. I'm hoping to rock my loose t-shirts and/or dresses when my belly really pops.
Stretch Marks? None yet, but my stomach has been really itchy in the morning so I have been slathering on lotion after I get out of the shower.
Sleep? What is sleep? What is this foreign thing you speak of? I don't have any trouble falling asleep, but I am a stomach sleeper but now that is uncomfortable so I have had trouble staying asleep for very long. And I woke up to pee twice last night. WTH? I can't imagine how bad it's going to get later on.
Best Moment This Week: Puking in RJ's car so now he thinks it's ruined... which, bonus! That means I got to drive the nice car for a few days. :)
Have you told family & friends? I'm pretty sure everyone and their dog knows now, and my family has already started buying it crap. Which I can't complain about. :)
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach and being able to pee once a day.
Food Cravings? I'm still in the food aversion phase. Nothing sounds good ever besides fruit smoothies.
Anything make you sick or queasy? Everything! The smell of RJ after he mows the lawn, spaghetti, Rich's smoker friend... name it..
Have you started to show yet? A teensy tiny bit. The picture above makes me look HUGE but really I had just eaten dinner.
Gender Prediction: RJ is still set on boy. I still don't have any feelings either way.
Labor Signs: Nada
Belly button in or out? It is in.
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose.
Happy or moody most of the time? This week I have to go with more on the moody side. We've got a few house guests that throw me out of routine and I have just been feeling uncomfortable lately, so it's not hard to put me into a sobbing fit or else mad as hell!
Looking forward to: Our appointment next Wednesday!
Thank goodness I am a back sleeper for when I eventually decide to have a baby, cause I would not be a sweetheart if I didn't sleep through the night. You poor thing with all the smells making you sick!
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