Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2nd Appointment

We went to our second doctor's appointment today. 
I'm still waiting to float down from cloud nine. 
:) :) :) 

My doctor said that we could do an "off the books" ultrasound and see how much the baby has grown since the last ultrasound. 
Goodness, it's husky. And has a belly already. I told RJ it's no wonder I always feel hungry, the kid is taking up all of my food already. 
It's got all the usual parts, two arms, two legs, etc. etc. 
It kept it's hands up by it's face most of the time which to me was the cutest thing ever. 

I don't know what it is but I seriously already love this little thing so much. 
It makes my heart smile to think of it in there listening to me sing in the car and yell at RJ to get me a drink of water at 11:30 at night. (I'm aware that it can't really hear anything yet, and if so it's all 10,000 leagues under the sea). 

It makes me so happy that it is growing and getting bigger. I haven't really gotten a bigger belly yet so I always worry that it isn't growing much, but I was wrong. It looks all tight and cramped in there. I keep willing my belly to look bigger so 1. the kid can have more room, and 2. so that I can eat buckets of ice cream on my lunch break without weird looks. Everyone loves a pregnant lady. They forgive them for eating buckets of ice cream for lunch. 

I also got to hear the heartbeat for the first time which was kind of cool. It's all whooshy and light. It made my heart beat a little faster hearing it going strong down there. 

I am adamantly against putting pictures of the inside of me on here, like my ultrasound pictures, but I improvised and took of picture of me holding it so that you don't get it in all it's glory and you can see how ecstatic I am. 

Anyway, I'm pretty excited to say the least. I can't wait until 5 weeks from now when I get to find out what it is and start buying tiny baby socks until they're out of stock in all 5 surrounding cities. 


LacyRaz said...

Congrats on the baby!! I didn't know you were pregnant but i haven't been keeping up on reading everyones blogs:( Babies are so much fun! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! I hope everything keeps going well for you and RJ!