Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend was my second oldest sister Kacee's birthday so the family decided to get together at her house in Inkom, Idaho and while we were at it take family pictures. It was a little bit difficult to take the pictures and also be in them but it worked out great and we had a fun time doing it. I will post pictures later, but here is one of my parents. I love it. My grandparents also came up and it was fun to spend time with them and just have a relaxing and fun time. I love going up to Idaho. I love how slow life is and that you can look at all the fields and the farmers working so hard to make a living and to provide for their families and more. My favorite is the smell of them cutting the alphalfa fields. It makes me want to move up there every time. :)


The Rasch's said...

I hope you are both doing good!! Miss you guys lots. When are you coming back up here. You need to come visit.