Monday, March 30, 2009


Seriously, sometimes I wonder...
People are very interesting creatures.
They contradict everything they say, one minute it's this one minute it's that.
Can't we all just make up our minds and stick with it.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, so why is everyone so worried.
And they're mostly worried about themselves.
If everyone put themselves in just one other person's shoes once a day, I think there would be a lot more peace and a lot more happiness.
I am not saying that I am not selfish, because I am.
But I'm realizing that you can't always think about yourself, there are so many people around you. When you make a decision you affect so many others. It's kind of a scary thought.
Why can't we all be families, and live together in happiness.
I'm not diluted enough to think that the world is supposed to be chocolate and lollipops, but we need to have better attitudes and think more like children. Children think they're invincible, nothing can phase them.
Maybe we all need to be a little more like that. We need to lean on each other and boost each other up, because when you don't have friends to go to, what do you have?