Friday, November 7, 2008

What you've all been waiting for...

So... Blogging. I'm almost positive I'll be the only one reading this but it'll make me feel good. haha.

Things you may or may not know about me:
I am a very sarcastic person... [just fyi]
My family is nuts... but I love them.
I am a girl, so therefore, I can never make up my mind.

The thing is. Sometimes I think I have a pretty good grasp on life and in general I think I'm pretty mature. But then things happen to you that you weren't really anticipating.

That is when you need to put your big girl pants on and start living life!!!


Who knows. I really talk to hear myself talk most of the time. But stayed tuned.
It could get interesting.


Richard said...

Enjoy your blog. Don't get frustrated if people don't leave comments. Comments are rare. I have 2. they help me pass the time.