Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wishin and Wondering

Do you ever wonder about the people in your past that you aren't in touch with anymore?
I like to think that they liked me.
I know that I was a stupid immature girl most of the time.
I know that I was painfully shy and that was my downfall.
I thought that no one liked me... but in reality I think that I didn't like myself in turn
making people think that I didn't like them.
I know it's confusing but I regret it.
I wish I could go back and be myself.
I wish and wonder and hope.
That the people I met are doing good and that their lives are good whether or not they remember that shy girl that didn't ever speak up.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

so... um... yeah...

Do you ever just want to punch someone!
And it's not like I have a good reason either, I just want to.
Well... I guess there's sorta a reason, but it's gay so I'm not going to do it.
I just want to pout and think mean things because I would never actually say anything even if I had the chance.
so... here is me pouting. I am sitting here making mean faces and pretending that it doesn't get to me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ribbit, Ribbit

I sound like a frog!!!
I have had this freaking cold for weeks now. Well actually about a week, but I am sick of being sick! I have spent oodles of money on cough drops and vitamin C, but no... still here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pictures of the Game!

Lance, Alishia, and I.

My absolutely favorite picture! =]

The whole team huddled up.
This is Lance. #60

I know, kind of a repetitive picture, but I couldn't leave my dad out of this. haha

This is my favorite picture. Alishia and I were having fun before the game started.

This was us going all the way to Oregon. We only got about three miles into it. haha

The Crazy Things I Do...

The crazy things I do for my family.
~I drove 15 hours round trip to go to a high school football game in Council, Idaho.
~I drove all the way to Oregon to buy a coat for the game. =]
~I almost died driving on the 'open range' to get to my dad's house. Seriously.
~I slept on the floor.
~I waved a blue washcloth around like an idiot to show school spirit. haha.
~It was raining.
But despite all that hard sacrifice. [not really, but I'm being dramatic :)] I had a great time.
I talked my dad's ear off the entire drive. I think they welcomed it when I fell asleep on the way home. I loved watching my brother play. He's incredible.
They won the game, so now they have one more game to determine who goes to state.
Anyway... I had a great time. I'll post pictures when I get home.

Friday, November 7, 2008

What you've all been waiting for...

So... Blogging. I'm almost positive I'll be the only one reading this but it'll make me feel good. haha.

Things you may or may not know about me:
I am a very sarcastic person... [just fyi]
My family is nuts... but I love them.
I am a girl, so therefore, I can never make up my mind.

The thing is. Sometimes I think I have a pretty good grasp on life and in general I think I'm pretty mature. But then things happen to you that you weren't really anticipating.

That is when you need to put your big girl pants on and start living life!!!


Who knows. I really talk to hear myself talk most of the time. But stayed tuned.
It could get interesting.