Monday, July 23, 2012

Where Has the Time Gone?

I'm a slacker. I know.
So since I've left you all in the dark for about 3 weeks I've decided to finally grace my blog with my pregnancy once again. :)
The last couple weeks have been really good pregnancy wise. Nothing extreme except the night that I thought I could go run a few miles. I felt like I was 90 years old and had every single tendon from my chin to my ankles angry and cursing. I have then since vowed never to run again. Just kidding... mostly.
A couple of weeks ago my sister decided to introduce me to the store Buy Buy Baby. I thought it would just be this lame store full of baby crap that is unnecessary and pastel colors.
Seriously, I could have gotten lost in there and loved every second of it!
Cute things every where I turned!
There was this elegant beautiful glider rocking chair that I decided I had to have to go into our nursery. Well the price tag told me that I wasn't about to get anything elegant or beautiful out of it.
So imagine my delight when on Saturday I drove past a yard sale and glimpsed over and what is it!?!?! A glider rocking chair that was (almost) just like the one I would have torn my arm off at the store for. RJ was skeptical. Someone's bottom had sat in that chair for who knows how long and it just doesn't have that new smell.
Well folks, I overrode him and we hauled that chair back home for 10 bucks. That deal saved me roughly $400 dollars. Cannot complain one ounce.
I did spend over 3 hours sanitizing the chair because RJ's stinky comments got to me a little bit. :)
I can happily say that it is almost elegant and beautiful and I can't wait to rock the kid to sleep in it.

Excuse the mess, and Schnitzel. We're converting our office into the nursery sooooo... it's kind of sitting in a messy lingo at the moment.

How far along? 15 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: At my last appointment I hadn't gained any weight since the first appointment but I have gained some since I got pregnant. About 3 pounds. I'm hoping to "pop" soon.

Maternity clothes? No... and I'm not sure if I'll ever bring myself to do it. My pants are eerily tight though.

Stretch marks? No, and I keep accosting my mom and her sisters at every family party to see if they got them. Apparently it's more of a genetic thing than a slathering the body with expensive lotions kind of thing.

Sleep: Weird, and not always approriate dreams almost every night but sleeping just fine. I have been able to go without peeing a few nights this week so... booyah.

Best moment this week: Having more energy!

Miss Anything? Doing okay at the moment, but I do miss feeling good in my skinny jeans. I just feel like I'm lumpy and poured into them.

Movement: I actually think I felt something this week. It was a fish swimming in my belly sort of feeling and it was only a minute or two so it could have been gas.... but I'm going with baby movement :)

Food cravings: Not craving anything, still not loving everything though.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of our kitchen pantry. I think it's just too many smells in one. I haven't been in there without holding my breath for about 2 weeks.

Have you started to show yet: Not really still... I'm just waiting (kind of) patiently.

Gender prediction: Still no idea, but I did dream last night that we had the cutest chunky, curly haired little boy with light brown hair. He was sure adorable so if that is an omen for a son, I'm think I'm okay with that.

Labor Signs: Nada

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited!

Looking forward to: Finding out what it is in a few more weeks. :D


Jami said...

Okay, dont call me a creep,cause I know we dont really know each other, but I have been stalking your blog for awhile now. I figured I would come out and say something now that I told your mom I stalk ya ;)!I think you are a hillarious blogger, I enjoy reading your posts.Anyways, Congrats on your pregnancy! That is way exciting! Hope all is going well for you!

Hayley and Zachary said...

Charise! What an amazing steal of a deal. I am sorry that running caused you to feel so old, but I am sure it will subside in no time (I don't know from experience obviously, just assuming lol).

Kate said...

Uh, how fun is it that we are baby buddies? Congrats to you guys!!