I haven't blogged in quite a while so I thought I would update on what has been going on. Since I'm not taking classes this summer hopefully I will be able to write more and also do some fun things worth writing about. :)
So here goes...
I cut my hair off! I usually do once it gets to the length that it was. I called up my haircutter (my mom-n-law Cindy) and said chop it off. I didn't even give myself time to think about it. And I absolutely love it. It was just in time for summer.
Of course we've been bike riding still. It has still been pretty snowy up on the mountain trails so we've really been bumming around the house. RJ keeps trying to teach me how to do a "wheely" but I haven't been successful yet.
I went and visited one of my best friends that moved out to the sticks a couple years ago and I got to do all the fun small town things that I love. Her husband taught me how to shoot a bow and I also got to hold a baby pig and feed a baby lamb. So much fun.
I'm still angry at Christy for moving so far away. I miss her tons.
I got my wisdom teeth out. It's a delightful picture I know. This was probably right before RJ spoon fed me Tomato Soup which mostly ended up on my shirt.
Every month RJ's mom's side of the family has girls night which I love. It's so fun getting together and laughing and catching up. Plus holding all of the new babies is fun too. :) This month we made the cutest wreath which we hung in our front entry.
RJ's brother wrecked his truck so RJ took off the shocks or springs or something like that at midnight because they were coming to pick it up the next day. I love seeing RJ fixing cars. It is a sight I get to enjoy often.
For our birthdays I got some beautiful flowers, tulips every year :) and a cute card and a coffee mug for my birthday. It was such a sweet surprise.
Also we've been wanting a little fixer-upper camp trailer so I took my sisters and drove down to Castledale and surprised RJ with this beauty. It's not much to look at but we used it last week and it's kinda fun.
We went to the Festival of Colors this year. This also was a blast. I couldn't breathe for a week after because of all the dust but it was well worth it. This was after I thought I had gotten most of it off of my face on the way home.
and lastly, RJ and I just doing what we usually do. Laughing and doing nothing in particular.
This is what I love the most.
Happy Spring!
Yay! Or that super awesome girl's night at my place. Woo woo!
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