Friday, December 30, 2011

It's a Backwards Shirt Kind of Day

So... this morning I woke up like every other day.
Half an hour behind when I should have woken up.

I showered, not rushing. I plucked my eyebrows- again, not rushing.
Then I went through the rest of getting ready.
And then I wonder why I am never on time for work.

RJ and I have to be to work at the same time. His work is 5 minutes away, mine is 15 and today he left before me. That's never a good thing.

So when I finally decided to get moving I could not find anything to wear.
I have this red turtleneck that I absolutely love but it has a small hole in the front of it right around the collar and I haven't worn it for a long while because of the hole.

Well today... I pulled it out of my closet still on the hanger. I investigate this tiny hole and see if I can manage to cover it.
No go.
As I'm going to put it back I see the back...
It looks just like the front.

I'm WEARING said turtleneck as I type this. BACKWARDS. And you better believe no one would ever know the difference. Booyah. (Yes... I just said that.)

Because that is what the last couple of months have been like for me. Improvising, compromising and adjusting; making things work.

I was reading through a middle school friend's blog this morning.
 Love your blog Michal!
She's just come to the realization that she's young and she worries too much about the small stuff and has anxiety over things that are yet to come. She feels like she's trying to grow up too quickly.

I am the exact same way.

I'm too young to worry about who is going to pay for my funeral.
I worry about Global Warming and the hot australians getting fried up.
I worry about putting a roof on our house and how we're going to afford daycare to our unborn children! 
All of this is a true story!

What I've decided today is that I'm too young to worry about these things. After all.. I'll be turning 23 next April.
I'm still plenty young to be ignorant of daycare and should care less about my funeral which hopefully will be in 70+ years.

That is why I'm wearing my shirt backwards today. My small act of rebellion that shows that I'm still young and free to act as immaturely as possible.

I hope everyone has a great Friday.
I know I will. :D

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I have big plans for 2012.

[Relax More & Worry Less]
Be More Optimistic
[Mountain Bike Our Hearts Out]
Not Literally.

[Find New Friends]
Reconnect with Old Ones
[Nurture a New Hobby]
Get Another 4.0

[Love More]
Love Myself More
[Complete the entire Insanity Workout DVDs]
Not Cuss Once Because of It

Budget Better
[Take a REAL Vacation]
Date RJ
[Make sure 2012 is One For the Books]

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Holidays

Blogger is being stubborn today and won't let me fix my blog so for now it looks pretty simple. I'll try again tomorrow and see if it'll cooperate.

I feel so grateful for the family that I have and that I was able to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with both sides of my family. They are both so amazing and I love spending time with them and being apart of such great families.

I'm not sure if I posted about Thanksgiving but everything turned out perfect. I was able to spend some time with my mom, which I had been craving. She helped me clean and cook and prepare Thanksgiving at our house this year. We also finished our fireplace and living room that same week. It was busy and hectic but I wouldn't change anything about it. We ended up on Thanksgiving with RJ and I's families eating dinner together and I enjoyed it immensely.

Christmas was also wonderful. We had lots of family parties throughout December and then spent Christmas Eve with both of our families. We woke up Christmas morning [just a little bit too early] and headed over to the Nestmans to open presents there. RJ, the sneaky bugger got me a new phone, an iPhone that I have been nagging him about for months. Mostly because I wanted better pictures that I could take with my phone. RJ hardly ever gets to surprise me because all of his ideas get ruined so I was especially happy that he was able to surprise me and I had no idea about it until I pulled it out of my stocking. RJ got boring lights for his 4Runner and clothes. I got clothes too, but I enjoy them more than he does. After presents and the most delicious French Toast ever, we headed up to Idaho for the Deters Family Christmas.

                                          [This is my brother dog, Blue. HUGE is an understatement.]
My family was good to us and they waited until we got there to open presents. My family loves Christmas so this was difficult for all of them. I got the cutest little owl creation from my sister that she made. Seriously. Adorable. I've already hung it at the bottom of the stairs.

                                                                 [Cutest Owl Ever]

The most special present of the day came from my mom. She has this framed picture that she's had for about 10 years that has hung in each of our houses throughout the years. It's a beautiful picture of a house with a wrap around porch tucked into a meadow with a little stream running by the house. I've always found something special about this picture. It represents everything I want in my life and also reminds me so much of my family. I have scoured the internet looking for this picture to buy for myself and always harassing my mom and telling her that I will steal the picture while she's on her deathbed, whether she makes it or not.

Well on Christmas morning my mom gave me her picture. It's something I could never accept but on the other hand something that gives me so much hope and inspiration in my life that I would be silly not to accept her gift. It's so much more than the picture that I received. It's such selflessness and parenting at it's finest. My mom was willing to give me something that I have always wanted, but something that she worked hard to buy and hang in her home. I'll never forget this Christmas and the selflessness that all of my family showed. As we get older Christmas hasn't had the magic touch that it has had in the past but Sunday was the exception. Everyone in my family put thought and love into their gifts and I loved spending time with them. I'm happy to call them mine.

[We went shooting. It was a blast. I haven't been for soooo long]

Friday, December 9, 2011

One Smart Cookie

Who has two thumbs and got a 4.0 my first semester of college????

I'm pretty excited about it! :D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So last Thursday we had quite the night with wind blowing up to 100 MPH. It was actually pretty terrifying and I kept thinking that our house was going to blow down or the windows were just going to shatter.
It was pretty funny actually; RJ didn't sleep a wink the whole night and every time I would roll over because another big gust was hitting us RJ would be sitting there, his eyes wide open, just staring around. It makes me smile just to remember it. He's such a worry-wart.
The next morning we were praying that we had minimal damage to our house and that everything was okay. Luckily, we did manage not to have any problems.
Or so we thought...
We went about our weekend and the neighbor stopped us on Saturday evening and let us know that the metal topper (who really knows what that is called) on our fireplace had curled up a little bit and was letting wind into our house.
We were thinking, so that's what that noise was.
RJ boosted me up onto our roof and I screwed it back in. While we were up there we noticed that the corner of our house was completely void of shingles.
So we headed over to Lowes and bought a little bag of shingles and totally ghetto rigged it so that there wasn't anymore bare wood.
We're planning on replacing the roof next summer so we weren't too worried now.

Here is the picture of RJ being the handy man he is.

He fixed the corner. I on the other hand barked out orders and caution from the middle of the roof where I wasn't going to fall off. I have the hardest time watching people get close to the edges and especially when the when was blowing and it was starting to snow.
Especially when it's my husband who thinks it's funny to scare me to death.

This was my look the entire time I was up there.

I didn't like it one bit.
I like to pretend to be the supportive wife and all that but sheesh, I guess I could have barked orders from the yard. haha. RJ would have loved that.

It was quite and adventure and I love having a husband that is willing to fix things himself and do the work. He's an amazing worker and an amazing husband. He works very hard at his job and then comes home at night and does things that need to be done around the house.

On Sunday, our ward rounded up the willing and went around and helped the neighbors clean up any trees and branches lying around so that if the wind came again on Sunday night it wouldn't create more damage. RJ had his chainsaw whipped out in .04 seconds and was ready to cut down every tree in the neighborhood. He's such a boy at heart.

It was such a great experience to help those around us. I took a bunch of pictures but I'm saving them for a separate post.

Hopefully I'll have it ready tonight. :)