My being thankful posts lasted approximately three posts so I've decided to bag it altogether. I am thankful for many things. If you want to know all of them give me a call. :)
Don't you love getting a new piece of furniture and it just transforms the whole room and you wondered why you had crummy furniture for so long? Yep. Thank you Ikea.
My family plus RJ's family is coming for Thanksgiving in less than a week and we are not even close to having our living room finished. It looks and definitely smells like a work shop down there and I am terrified it's going to be that way while we're cutting the turkey. Not extremely happy about this one.
I will however put up a picture of when it's done and it has a beautiful fireplace and the whole room is painted a beautiful-nondescript-safe-boring beige. I can't wait.
I wish that I were craftier. I thought I'd take up crocheting this summer... I got one line done and now it's collecting dust in my closet. Half the problem is I don't know how to turn the corner and attach a new line to the old line and I just don't have the motivation to Google how to do this. I'd rather buy it. Does that make me a bad person? I really want one of these.
And for the record she has ginormous hands and I want her hair. It looks so carefree.
This post is useless. But that's how my thoughts have been today.
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