I had the hardest time falling asleep last night.
11 PM- Watch The Amazing Race
11:45 PM- Watch Witney on the laptop.
11:45- 12:25- Proceed to catch up on all the old Whitney episodes that I have missed. Proceed to cackle like an old woman all by myself because I think it's hi-larious!
12:25 - 2 AM- Pinterest
I have myself a problem.
When I finally started to wind down and just relax I looked over at RJ all snuggled into our blankets and sleeping so quiet and peacefully it made me realize how much I love him.
How much he means to me.
And started to think about the reason that I love him above anyone else.
Here are a few of the quirks that RJ has that makes him one of a kind.
1. He's not cheesy (or the slightest bit romantic :S) but he is very genuine and honest.
He isn't a poet and he doesn't spout lyrics to songs despite what I thought guys were like when I was a teenager. He does tell me I'm beautiful though, and he does lean over and kiss me goodnight every single night.
2. He is an early riser. I on the other hand, am not. When I tell him that he needs to push me out of bed in the morning, he takes that as literally as possible and uses both feet to push me onto the floor in a big messy heap. It's hilarious. He never complains that he has to hear me whine for the first half hour of my morning and also tell me I need to wake up approximately 8 million times.
3. He's very gracious about my family. I'll admit. We're a lot nuts. Batshit crazy really. He never gets in the car after a weekend in Idaho and tells me that we're a whole crew of crazy. After they stay the weekend with us he never slams the door after they walk out and hollers, Thank Goodness They're Gone! He waves goodbye and tells me he's excited for the next time they visit. He's very kind and you'll get the occasional smirk, but he's very gracious and accepts my family for who they are and their flaws.
4. He puts up with my quirks. Hello, my name Charise and I am a movie repeater. I could watch Modern Family and The Proposal, oh and Tangled over and over and over again. I'm not even exaggerating this at all. When I was young I used to love a movie called The Big Green. I would put that in when I was falling asleep for OVER A YEAR! I watched the same movie for an entire year every single night. RJ begs to watch different movies. We have 10 zillion, but unfortunately only 3 get played on a regular basis. He kindly waits until I have fallen asleep and then when I wake up The Hangover will be on the screen. He can watch his childish crude movie and I can still believe in fairytales. It's perfect.
5. Lastly, the kid is just so stinkin cute. And happens to be my best friend. Not gonna lie, we're really weird. We Google to weirdest crap and we laugh like donkeys over the stupidest things. I like that we have some of the same quirks and that I can be myself around him. I don't care that he sees me cry over a stupid commerical and he doesn't care when I tell him that he's the most irritating person that I've ever met. I think we fit perfectly together. And that's all that matters.