2010 was a good year. So good that I'm sad to see it go. I'm afraid that I will forget all the great things that happened this year. So here -- in a list, is all the great things that happened to me in 2010 starting with January.
January 2010
Anxiously anticipated getting married. Made lots of plans and picked out my WeDdInG DreSS and my BriDesMaiD's Dresses :)
February 2010
We bought my cute little car that I have fallen in love with ever since.
March 2010
Tried to shove all of RJ and I's crap into a ONE bedroom apartment to save money to buy a house. It was certainly an entertaining couple of months. We had mice and no hot water and heat for the majority of the time we lived there. I guess you could say it gave us more reasons to cuddle. :) ha.
April 2010
My favorite by far. We got married. It was the best, happiest thing I've ever done in my entire life. I couldn't have asked for anything more, especially in a husband. I feel so blessed to have RJ and I cannot believe that we've been married for 8 and a half months. Time has flown by.
We also went on our honeymoon to Vancouver! We both wanted to get out of the country and so we drove up through Seattle and stayed there for a day and then drove the rest of the way to North Vancouver. It was such a fun experience and I loved spending time somewhere new. It was fun to drive so far and still have things to talk about at the end of the trip.
May 2010
We bought a house! It was the scariest thing that I've done. I was so nervous about it and then we found the perfect cute little house and we just had to have it. It has been fun making it home and fixing it up slowly. I love being able to paint it whenever I want and being able to rearrange and dream of what our lives will be like living there.
June 2010
YARD WORK! I swear that is the only thing we did the entire month of June. Mow, cut, rake, mow, cut, rake! Seriously. We did put in a little stone walkway and a firepit though that turned out really good. It was horrible. I hated every second of it, but it was worth it in the end.
July 2010
All I can think of is more yard work, haha but I know that we fit in some mountain biking too. Mueller Park always calls our name and when we found the time we did that and went down to the parkway by our house a lot too.
August 2010
We were finally burned out of yardwork so we decided to relax and enjoy the end of the summer. RJ worked most of the summer and I started a new job so we were both focusing our attention there. I love my new job and I'm so grateful that I have it. Apart from our wedding and buying a house, getting this job has been the best thing that has happened this year.
September 2010
Ah... Fall. We mainly did.. nothing. We spent more time together. We went and got Neilsen's Frozen Custard. We just wanted to hang out. It was perfect. And we got a new little addition to our family. Schnitzel! She has been so much fun and Audi loves her to death. She is so fun and has a cute little personality.
October 2010
Halloween! We went to a fun Halloween party at Alishia's house and basically ate our body weight in candy and cookies and soup. I couldn't have asked for more. And she didn't even make me dress up. :)
November 2010
More spending time together. I loved it. Thanksgiving was a great time and I'm glad that I got to spend it with my parents and RJ's parents as well.
We started out by going to my Aunt Terry and Uncle Kurt's house for round one of Thanksgiving dinner. Then we headed to American Fork and had round two at my Uncle Paul and Aunt Penny's house. And then we finally snuck away and headed up to RJ's parent's house for round three of Thanksgiving dinner. We tried so hard to pace ourselves through out the day and didn't do too bad. I ended the day with a run on the treadmill and we were good to go the next day.
December 2010
I got to spend a lot more time than usual with my family in December. We went and saw A Christmas Carol at Hale Center Theatre and also celebrated Astorea's birthday. I went to Joe's Crab Shack for the first time with RJ's family for RJ's dad's birthday. Which by the way was waaaay good and I thought I would hate it.
Lots of family Christmas Parties that included the Deters, The Beasleys, and the Nestmans. We also went to Denny's at midnight on Christmas Eve to celebrate Lance and Lindsey's birthday. Then we went to Temple Square and spent time with the Nestmans on Christmas Eve night. We got FOOTIE pajamas! Probably my favorite thing about Christmas. haha. My family stayed with us for Christmas which was a lot of fun and way less stress than trying to drive to Idaho at eleven o'clock at night on Christmas Eve. I tried so hard to sleep in but 7:30 rolled around and I just couldn't stand it any longer. I was so excited for RJ to get his gift. We went downstairs and opened presents and then we finally let RJ go outside. He got a really old truck that was my dad's that he's going to fix up and make our "date night truck". I love it. I know it sounds lame but RJ has wanted a project like this forever and my family was so excited to give it to him.
We also went up to RJ's parents after we opened presents at our house and opened presents there. I got a breadmaker that I love. I love homemade bread, but I have never made it so I figured I'd go the easy route and ask for a bread maker. RJ and I's goal this year is to not buy one loaf of bread and make it instead. So far we've made 2 or 3 loafs and it is delicious!
We drove up to Idaho for New Years Eve and spent time with my parents and my brother and sisters. We played the game Things. It is so much fun. On the drive home RJ and I made some goals for 2011 which are:
1. Be better at budgeting. If we're running low on money, don't go out to dinner at Chili's even though it sounds good. :)
2. Not stress so much about money. We always stress so much about it, but in the end it always works out so we're going to not worry so much about it.
3. I am not allowed to say I am fat the whole year of 2011. RJ is sick of hearing it. I don't blame him, so I'm going to try really hard to feel good about myself and be happy with who I am and not compare myself to others.
4. MOUNTAIN BIKE!!! I love it, he loves it. So we're going to make more time and go more places. I think this is my favorite goal for this year.
So sorry for the long novel, but I wanted to remember everything that I did this year. I hope this year is just as great.