And so a new chapter begins.
I'm leaving my job of three years and going to a whole different industry and on opposite sides of the valley. It's going to be a huge change for me.
I'm definitely so excited to start this new phase and I can't wait to learn new things and excel at what I'm doing, but I'm definitely anxious to get started with it and get going.
This entire week I've been having the most off the wall dreams. Dreams that the world is ending and dinosaurs are coming back... seriously.. I really dreamed that. haha.
I think that my mind is coming to terms with everything changing and preparing for new.
I'm so excited and hopefully I can post soon and tell you how amazing my new job is.
I will let you know.
On the other hand, things around our house have been good. We've been doing lots of fun things and just getting settled into our new house.
I've decided that I'm going to get into shape and tone up so I got the Insanity workout DVD's. Yikes. I haven't started yet, but I'm going to tonight. Wish me luck! I will need it.
We also have been doing lots of yard work and making our backyard look really great. We put in a firepit with a little rock patio, minus the actual firepit. (We're still working on that).
I have finally cleaned all of the junk out of one of our spare rooms to make a "Yoga Room". More just an exercise room where I can keep all of my stuff and have the whole floor to workout. It's difficult when you have to work around the bed. haha. I'm going to paint it an extreme color and decorate with motivating pictures and make it so I will be excited to workout everyday.
Also we had one of our home teachers drop by last night. It was good to meet him and I love meeting more and more neighbors. This particular neighbor has a little boy that is in love with our dog. Hopefully they tired each other out last night.
Anyway... I just wanted to update and let everyone know that if I get weird emotional or yell for no reason it's probably because I'm adapting to a new lifestyle and trying to make everything normal again. :]