Thursday, January 21, 2010


This year has been crazy already and it just started! I can tell it's going to be an exciting year. RJ and I are moving in a couple of weeks. Our lease is up and we're moving from the condo we're in now, across the street to The Village on Main Street apartments. It's funny because we're moving from Centerville to Bountiful and we're just moving across the street. RJ and I laughed about it, but then again we're easily amused. 

So it's been hectic trying to clean our house and pack up everything we have. Plus we're moving from a 2 bedroom apartment to a 1 bedroom so we have to condense all of our crap which I'm not quite as excited about. 

I have the winter jitters. I am getting antsy for spring for so many reasons. One because despite all my grumbling last year to RJ, I really miss mountain biking. I didn't realize how much of a de-stresser it really is. I can't wait to peddle up Mueller Park yelling at RJ that I'm not going to speak to him for an entire day if he doesn't slow down. haha. [sadly, this is a true story and has happened once.. or twice before]. 

I'm also excited to be looking forward to buying a house and planting roots. I am excited to own something that I can paint the colors I like and also if I don't like the way the tile looks in the bathroom I can change it anytime I want. I am so ready to become a domesticated housewife with a garden and chickens. I know it sounds lame, but you just don't have a home without a chicken or two grazing around your backyard. [I'm such a country girl, it's pathetic]. 

I saved the best for last. The thing I am most excited for in spring is to GET MARRIED. I know it seems like this is all I talk about but I just can't help it. I'm also really really nervous. You kind of have a point where you realize your entire life is going to change and that you have to make major decisions that will last forever. I'm still very excited but you get the.. wait.. I'm doing what?! thoughts every now and again. I love RJ more than anything and I want us to be married forever and always. I have no doubt that we will.

I love winter for so many reasons. Life slows down, you get to wear layers and cute scarves and beanies and gloves, but I'm waiting [impatiently] for spring to get here so that it can bring so many things that I enjoy.