Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Time

It has been 2 months and a day since I last posted a blog. I fail at this whole blogging thing. Not that I don't have anything to say... but is what I have to say worth saying? We're pretty much the most boring couple ever. But... I'm going to type away anyway. What have we done in the past 2 months and 1 day...
-There was Halloween. We dressed up as Emo people. It was fun. RJ even wore eyeliner! He looked so Jack Sparrow-y that I just wanted to kiss him. haha.
-There was Thanksgiving. We spent the morning at RJ's parents house eating Cindy's wonderful food and talking and laughing. Then we went up to my mom's house in Idaho and had Thanksgiving all over again. We consumed a lot of food in one day. But the pumpkin pie at the end of the day was all worth it.
-There was CHRISTMAS TIME! I am so excited for Christmas this year. December has been so much fun. RJ and I have tried to get out as much as possible. Sundays are usually our designated "we hate work so we're going to do something fun" day. 2 weeks ago we went on a hike up the canyon and then we drove to Park City and walked around and window shopped at the Outlet stores. Don't tell him, but I think RJ is the most maniac driver in the whole entire country and he always wants to go four wheeling up through the snow. WHY?! What did I do to deserve this? haha.
I am totally kidding. I think RJ is the most amazing, gorgeous, smartest guy I know and I am so excited to get married. It's getting closer! One hundred and twenty seven days.. but whose counting right? ;] As our wedding is getting closer both of us are getting more excited and we keep talking plans and I keep eyeballing my wedding dress. It's going to pretty much be the best day of my life.
I'm really sappy I know, but we can't help it. Anyway... I'll write again. Hopefully not 2 months and a day from now. Peace out.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It bugs me that they don't have the font I want.. Grr.
Anyway.. I've jumped on the wagon and decided to make MY blog into OUR blog. Trendy I know.
RJ and I... I love that. We're getting married for everyone that doesn't know. I'm pretty excited. It's scary and overwhelming sometimes but it'll definitely be worth the planning. Everyone keeps telling us to elope and go to Vegas, but I'm excited to experience such a fun and monumental day together. We don't have too many plans yet but I know the general idea that I want it to be.

We're completed step one: We got the dress.
My mom and I went to lunch with Suzy! [I love her] and while we were down in Provo my mom begged me to stop in at David's Bridal. I didn't really want to but she coaxed me into it and it turned into a really great experience. I liked knowing that the person that has watched me grow up was there to see me so happy and to be part of this. I found the perfect dress!!! I am so excited to wear it. I'm excited to see RJ's face when I'm wearing it. haha. Is that a girl thing or just me?

We're also trying to buy a house:
That one is a little scarier to me than spending the rest of my life with RJ. It seems like such a big idea. But I'm ready to dive right in!

Keep up with our blog. I don't know how often it'll get updated or it may turn into everyday!

Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm running a half-marathon in October in Moab.
I have two months and twenty two days until it's time.
It seems like a lot, but I've never run thirteen miles before.
I'm very excited.
Also very nervous.
I have all the gear..
Now I just need to run.
I'll keep you posted on my progress.
[I think this is the only way I'm going to stay motivated].
RJ runs with me sometimes. That is also great motivation. :]
The biggest reason why I want to run this maration is because I know I can do it, but I'm scared and I want to be able to stick with a goal and accomplish it.
Not punk out at the very last minute.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I LoVe RJ!

I love RJ. Why you ask?
1. His hair... I know, it won't be there forever but until then I love it.
2. His smile.
3. He takes me places that I'd never think existed. Like Havasupai.
Do you know what Havasupai is? I didn't either.
4. His ability to act like a 5 year old.
5. His heart. He will do anything for someone in need.
6. His stubbornness, which I could also flip that and hate it about him, but...
It's kind of endearing after a while.
7. His face when he's lying. He's a terrible liar.
8. His clothes. He's hot. Oh wait, that's because I pick out his clothes. :]
9. His athleticism. I have to warn him, If I hear "Let's go on a bike ride" one more time...
10. His ability to drive me crazy! He gets under my skin until I'm ready to punch him,
but then he'll turn it around and I'll completely forget why I was mad.

The list goes on and on for ages, but I don't want to get too cheesy.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Seriously, sometimes I wonder...
People are very interesting creatures.
They contradict everything they say, one minute it's this one minute it's that.
Can't we all just make up our minds and stick with it.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, so why is everyone so worried.
And they're mostly worried about themselves.
If everyone put themselves in just one other person's shoes once a day, I think there would be a lot more peace and a lot more happiness.
I am not saying that I am not selfish, because I am.
But I'm realizing that you can't always think about yourself, there are so many people around you. When you make a decision you affect so many others. It's kind of a scary thought.
Why can't we all be families, and live together in happiness.
I'm not diluted enough to think that the world is supposed to be chocolate and lollipops, but we need to have better attitudes and think more like children. Children think they're invincible, nothing can phase them.
Maybe we all need to be a little more like that. We need to lean on each other and boost each other up, because when you don't have friends to go to, what do you have?