Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Time!

I am so excited for Christmas this year. I cannot wait for it to start snowing. But by the looks of it, I may never get any snow.
I love going sledding and singing Christmas carols on Sundays with my family.
I love my winter clothes and big coats and gloves and hats.
I love holding hands with RJ at Temple Square.
I love getting homemade pajamas from my grandma.
[Really, she makes 19 pairs of pajama pants for all the grandkids. She's amazing!]
I love Christmas songs.
I love snuggling up to the fireplace with a fluffy blanket and reading a book.
[or watching the Disney Channel :)]
I love going to Idaho with my family and seeing everyone's excited faces before we open presents.
I love my mom's Christmas dinners. They are so amazing!
I love Christmas trees and decorating and shaking the presents to find out what they are.
I am so excited!!!!